Sunday 9 September 2018

Summarising a story

My Reflection
I am learning to summarise a story.
I was able to summarise a story called the Duel.
I found this easy because I had read the book.
My next step is to do this with a different story

Monday 3 September 2018

Placing Fractions on the Fractions line

My Reflection
We are learning to place fractions on the fractions line.
I was able to place these fractions on the fractions line.
I found this easy because  I had practice first.
My next step is to this with pecentiges.

Word Cline

My Reflection
I am learning how to place words on a word cline.
I was able to place size from smallest to biggest.
I found this easy because I knew of the words meaning.
My y next step is to do this with a different topic.